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xentry password generator is a javascript application that generates passwords of any length. This is an example of a self-hosted password generator, which requires the end user to download and run it on their own server or set up hosting for this script. It has the ability to generate random alphanumeric strings with any length, as well as both uppercase and lowercase letters. Passwords are not stored in the app itself but instead on the server’s file system. A known issue is the app returns the same seed if the GUI is reloaded or opened more than once. To solve this, set the seed using the “Set Seed” button. Also, do not attempt to close the app while it is generating a password as it will stop working. The script must be installed via FTP on a web server that supports PHP and SQLite3 databases. The latter is needed for saving configuration information in order to avoid having to re-enter all options when starting up again. It is commonly installed in most web servers in its own directory. Users will have to configure the host address, username, and password in the “Sample Configuration” tab of the script. PROS: Since users are not required to enter their information for each login, there are no profile traces left on the system. This makes it difficult for third parties to associate specific websites with a specific user. Since users do not have to log into the application, there is no way for an attacker to access their credentials directly from JavaScript libraries. This also applies when using content delivery networks (CDN). The high quality, randomness is a popular feature that can be useful for generating secure passwords. This is especially useful in password generation when dealing with a large number of websites, as automated password generators can reduce the time associated with creating passwords. During the development of this application, many issues were found and fixed. One of the problems was that when an invalid website was entered by the user in the URL field, it would result in a false positive error. Another issue was if a file name is longer than 255 characters, it will not be able to generate its contents due to disk space limitations.This script must be installed via FTP on a web server that supports PHP and SQLite3 databases. The latter is needed for saving configuration information in order to avoid having to re-enter all options when starting up again. It is commonly installed in most web servers in its own directory. Users will have to configure the host address, username, and password in the “Sample Configuration” tab of the script. Below is an example of what users need to enter: This article was originally published on May 1, 2012 at It is also available at eccc085e13